"Jazz is an Attitude" is a limited-edition series of seven prints in a presentation portfolio.

Your Electronic Media Creation Expert Unleashing Creative Brilliance in Amanda

Embark on a visual journey with Terry Wilson, a seasoned photographer with a legacy spanning decades. Armed with expertise in large-format film cameras, early videotape technology, and cutting-edge digital formats, Terry is an artist dedicated to freezing moments in time. Based in Amanda, he boasts a diverse ...

Bridging Modern Technology and Timeless Craftsmanship

Whether capturing moments in the controlled environment of a studio or amidst the raw beauty of the woods, Terry Wilson seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology with timeless craftsmanship. Armed with a full-frame mirrorless HD camera, HE crafts breathtaking images that transcend the ordinary, adapting ...

Crafting Moments With Light and Color in the 21st Century

In the 21st century, photography has emerged as a distinguished artistic medium, transcending mere documentation to become a form of visual poetry. For Terry, photography is an intricate dance with light and color, an art form that extends beyond the boundaries of camera types or the debate between film and ...